Monday, November 25, 2013

New Next

I feel like there should be a gaming system. movie player that has a 6 disk changer. Instead of walking to the system in order to change the disk, you will be able to put a couple of disks in the system and just change it with a remote or controller. There will be a home screen on the system that you can get to with your controller, and on this home screen you can click disk 1, disk 2 disk 3 etc. This idea will not only keep  you from having to get up in order to change the game or movie, but it will also keep you from constantly taking the disks out of its case and inserting it into the player. A lot of people have problems scratching their disks because they are  constantly handling them. This idea will help avoid that. In my opinion this is an idea that is well over due and i am surprised it has not been created yet.

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