Monday, October 14, 2013


            Twitter is a site that allows the world to publish their thoughts on social network. A person can create “tweets” which are 140 character text messages. This site has become extremely popular with athletes and celebrities. It gives them a chance to communicate with their fans/followers. And with the concept of hash tags companies are able to advertise trough twitter by using different hash tags and posting advertising tweets. For example Nike uses the hash tag #makeitcount, and this gives Nike users a chance to stay connected and informed on gear and other Nike opportunities. Twitter is one of the top ten most visited websites on the internet today.
Twitter is similar to a blackboard discussion because you can post something or reply to a persons post. However on twitter you can only type out 140 characters. Also twitter use @ symbol to connect to other people. In order to connect to another person in a tweet, @ next to a persons twitter handle will allow you to be connected. In discussion boards you make posts and threads. Both twitter and discussion boards can be very informative and useful and they are similar and different in many ways.

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