Social networking is something that
has become a major part of our society. It is literally everywhere. The concept
of social networking has grown to cover almost every aspect of the world today.
The idea of social networking has been able to link people together all over
the world and has created a new way for people to interact with each other.
way that corporations can use the idea of social networking is through their
hiring. As we all know, today’s business world is extremely competitive. A
companies hiring process can in some cases be extremely grueling. A major way
companies have been able contact people they are trying to hire, or get an idea
of what a person is about is through social media. Frank Langfitt talks about
this idea in his article entitled “Technology Boosts Job Recruiting”. Through
sites like face book and MySpace, it has become easier for businesses to track
people down and speed up the hiring process. This concept shows how companies,
as well as society, have been able to benefit from social media.
there is also a dark side to this idea of social networking. There have been a
lot of problems with people’s personal pages becoming public. There have been
many incidences where a person’s private information has been shared with the
public. Also due to the amount of companies that have been using these sites in
their hiring process, kids are constantly being warned about what they put on
these sites. Often people can lose jobs or won’t be hired based off what their
page contains. In an article entitled “Face book privacy is so confusing even
the Zuckerberg family photo isn’t private” Rebecca Greenfield brings light to a
matter involving the Zuckerberg family. A family picture that was meant to be
kept private was accidently made public. The main idea here is to be careful
about what you put on the internet because it is always possible that it will
be seen by other people, who you may not want to see it.
my opinion the idea of social media has completely changed the world. It has
affected areas such as communication with friends, advertising, marketing,
sports, music, business and so much more. These sites in my opinion are going
to come and go and people are always going to be into the next popular idea. But
the idea of networking through technology is going to continue to evolve
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