Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Customized Cleats From NikeID

Creativity and New Media

New media has given people a chance to be creative in many different ways. Nike is a company that has jumped on board with this idea of new media and has given people a chance to customize gear. This concept is called NikeID. From sneaker to clears to clothing, you are able to pick colors, styles and put your Id on things. I play baseball here at Baruch and I  have customized a pair of baseball clears that I may be wearing this season.


      Creativity is something that plays a major role in technology. New media is constantly being shaped by new creative thinkers. In today's media, they are always trying to come up with the next big thing that might change the game or create a buzz. Also giving a person the chance to be creative is something that has been very popular. Whenever either an app or website or new technology does this, it often finds success. An example is the app vine. This app allows people to create 6 second video clips. It allows people to be creative and express themselves however they want. This app has a similar set up to Instagram and twitter which have also been very successful due to it's ability to let people be creative and express themselves. This app has been extremely populars and has even made people "vine famous". This all has also been a home for postings called (mash-ups). In the article entitled "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" They talk about these video mashups and whether or not media companies should tolerate these parodies. This articles explains that media companies have been "fair and tolerant" and has not made this a piracy and copyright issue. This allows people to continue their creativity on vine and other platforms.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

            A virtual world is a concept that has become extremely popular over the years. Due to an increase in technology, the virtual world is continuing to grow. This virtual world gives people a chance to escape reality and create an online community. It also gives people a chance to express themselves in ways they might feel uncomfortable doing in real life.
I personally was unfamiliar with the concept of a virtual world before this topic came up. After reading a New York Times article entitled “I’ve Been in that Club, Just Not in Real Life” written by Dave Itzkoff I got a better idea of what this virtual world was all about. In this article he talks about a site called VLES, which stands for virtual lower east side. This site allows you to create an avatar and explore a 3-D virtual lower east side. I find this concept to be very interesting because it gives you a chance to explore a part of the city from your living room. It also gives you a chance to link up with other people and share your interests such as music or movies.
            In my opinion the idea of a virtual world contains positives and negatives. On one hand, the idea of being able to explore a virtual world and interact with people online is truly amazing. It gives people who sometimes might feel uncomfortable going out and exploring the world, a chance to do so. However it feeds into a problem that this generation is having. And that’s basic interaction and conversation in the real world. Today’s world is all about texting, email, Face book, and twitter. People are finding it difficult to make phone calls and talk to people face to face. When it’s time for young people to go into the real world and get a job, they are finding it very difficult. So even though the idea of a virtual world is very interesting, I feel it is another way that our society is being affected by technology.

---No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real you by Ruth La Ferla, The New York Times, Oct 22 2009 p. E1

Monday, October 14, 2013


            Twitter is a site that allows the world to publish their thoughts on social network. A person can create “tweets” which are 140 character text messages. This site has become extremely popular with athletes and celebrities. It gives them a chance to communicate with their fans/followers. And with the concept of hash tags companies are able to advertise trough twitter by using different hash tags and posting advertising tweets. For example Nike uses the hash tag #makeitcount, and this gives Nike users a chance to stay connected and informed on gear and other Nike opportunities. Twitter is one of the top ten most visited websites on the internet today.
Twitter is similar to a blackboard discussion because you can post something or reply to a persons post. However on twitter you can only type out 140 characters. Also twitter use @ symbol to connect to other people. In order to connect to another person in a tweet, @ next to a persons twitter handle will allow you to be connected. In discussion boards you make posts and threads. Both twitter and discussion boards can be very informative and useful and they are similar and different in many ways.

Blog: Social Networking Sites

Blog: Social Networking Sites

      Social Networking sites like Face book, MySpace and Twitter contain similarities and differences. These networking sites have changed the way people communicate in everyday life. Through years of updates and advances in technology, these sites have allowed the world to stay connected and information to be spread on a faster global network.
       MySpace is one of the first more successful social networking sites.  This was a site in order for a person to stay connected with his or her friends while expressing themselves with customized profile. This site allowed you to put pictures, music, backgrounds on your page which showed people your interests.
       Face book is a site that used a similar format to MySpace however it is a more standard layout. It gives people a chance to stay connected and share information as well as pictures from the night before. It has also become a huge platform for many companies across the world.
 Twitter is a site that allows people to share their thoughts whenever they want. It has become extremely popular with athletes and celebrities and it gives them a chance to communicate with their fans. This site is also popular for advertising and and information spreading,
       All of these sites contain different layouts however their purposes are all pretty similar. It is the way people stay connected and informed in today’s world.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Net'g

Social networking is something that has become a major part of our society. It is literally everywhere. The concept of social networking has grown to cover almost every aspect of the world today. The idea of social networking has been able to link people together all over the world and has created a new way for people to interact with each other.
            One way that corporations can use the idea of social networking is through their hiring. As we all know, today’s business world is extremely competitive. A companies hiring process can in some cases be extremely grueling. A major way companies have been able contact people they are trying to hire, or get an idea of what a person is about is through social media. Frank Langfitt talks about this idea in his article entitled “Technology Boosts Job Recruiting”. Through sites like face book and MySpace, it has become easier for businesses to track people down and speed up the hiring process. This concept shows how companies, as well as society, have been able to benefit from social media.
            However there is also a dark side to this idea of social networking. There have been a lot of problems with people’s personal pages becoming public. There have been many incidences where a person’s private information has been shared with the public. Also due to the amount of companies that have been using these sites in their hiring process, kids are constantly being warned about what they put on these sites. Often people can lose jobs or won’t be hired based off what their page contains. In an article entitled “Face book privacy is so confusing even the Zuckerberg family photo isn’t private” Rebecca Greenfield brings light to a matter involving the Zuckerberg family. A family picture that was meant to be kept private was accidently made public. The main idea here is to be careful about what you put on the internet because it is always possible that it will be seen by other people, who you may not want to see it.
            In my opinion the idea of social media has completely changed the world. It has affected areas such as communication with friends, advertising, marketing, sports, music, business and so much more. These sites in my opinion are going to come and go and people are always going to be into the next popular idea. But the idea of networking through technology is going to continue to evolve forever.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blogs vs Wikis

Blogs vs Wikis

 Blogs and Wikis both contain many similarities and differences. They are both used in order to share information across the World Wide Web. When in search of a more personal form of information one would use Blogs. Blogs are where a person can create posts about a certain topic. These posts are formatted in chronological order. Blogs give a person a chance to express his or her opinion on a certain topic. This can also be useful in other areas when in search for opinions on a specific topic. Due to the fact that technology plays such a major role in society, the idea of online communication and information spread through the internet is becoming huge. It was said by Kathy E. Gill in an article entitled How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere “Some analysts suggest that blogs are poised to be the next generation opinion/editorial page”. This is an example of the growth and impact that blog has on us today.
Another form of the sharing of online information are Wikis. Wikis spread information in a similar way as blogs except for the fact that it is less personal, and less opinionated. When someone is interested in a topic they simply search Wikis for answers as well as links to other sources. The ideas of wikis have been growing and it is becoming the quick easy online version of an encyclopedia. Wikis are becoming so popular that major businesses are beginning to use them. In an article about wikis in InformationWeek entitled how to use wikis for business it is said that “Wikis can centralize all types of corporate data, such as spreadsheets, Word documents, PowerPoint slides, PDFs — anything that can be displayed in a browser”. This is just one example of how wikis can be useful in business.

Both wikis and Blogs contain very similar features but they are different. Due to the technology today, the sharing of information online has become extremely important and has been made easy through Wikis and Blogs.

Work Cited